Thursday, 26 June 2014

DIY Sausages

Jim and I made sausages. 

Chilli and coriander ones. 

With added man hands. 

And apple, celery and caraway ones.

We stuck the sausage stuffer onto Rosie the KitchenAid after using the meat grinder attachment on the pork.

Killer arm workout lifting these bad boys. 

Not bad for a first attempt though!

We used about an 80:20 meat to fat ratio. Added in the flavourings and fried off little portions to check for seasoning.  Best tip is to keep everything super cold and wipe down your surfaces, because it is genuinely surprising where bits of sausage meat can get.  I see a lot more homemade sausages in the future. 

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Food Blogger Connect (#FBC14)

Take one beautiful building.

Add in some beautiful, food loving people,

A sprinkle of speakers and people to teach you the ins and outs of vlogging, food photography, styling and writing,

Plenty of sticky fingers and full stomachs from the street food vendors,

And liquor.

(Jazzy nails, optional) 

And you have all the ingredients for a lovely three day food blogging conference. 

It was a ridiculous amount of fun; learning and meeting some really lovely people (especially Freddi, Federica and Christina!)

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Roasted Flat Peaches

There is a peony bush in the cottage garden and every year is sprouts up these fantastic pink pom poms of ruffled petals. 

As soon as the fat flower buds start to appear, I practically run in from work every night to see whether or not they have bloomed. When they are wet from the rain they slump over, heavy with the water, and threaten any leg that walks past them with being drenched. 

Then they start to fade. A short season of huge pink flowers in the garden. I try and soak in their elegance and their lustre as much as possible before the pink turns to white and the petals start to drop.  

Much like these flat peaches. I try and get as many into my life in the short(ish..) season that the fruit and veg man near my office has them for. A box for a £1.  Can't go wrong.  

Simply preheat the oven to 180o/c and place the peaches in an oven proof dish.  Drizzle with a little honey and bake for 15 minutes, flipping half way through.  Dependant on how ripe your peaches are, you might need to bake them for a little long.  You want the skins to start to loosen and the flesh to be  soft.  Serve hot or cold. 

Sunday, 1 June 2014